A little bit about the blog

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Photo by Lum3n.com on Pexels.com

This blog is dedicated to sharing my eco journey.  I am not an expert and it is all opinion but journeys are easier with company and some times I will need a course correction.

If you still need convincing of why we need to make changes to help the environment then this probably isn’t the blog for you.  But if you are looking for information on realistic ways we can help, then stick around.

I intend to use this platform to record changes I have already made and the ones I intend to make.  I will provide updates on my progress and just generally cover what does and doesn’t work for me.

I want to mainly focus on low impact not zero waste.  I am treating this journey like a diet, it needs to be sustainable and practical or I just won’t stick to it.

Some times I will rant and you may not get much benefit from those posts but I am sure I will feel loads better!  Please be aware that there may also be some swearing in some of the posts.

Sign up to follow ecolass and you will never miss a post as you will receive an e-mail notification when each new blog is published.  I am also on Twitter and Instagram.  I am not a big Twitter fan but I do love a bit of insta so follow me on there for sneak peaks of what I am up to.


Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, but good vibes only people, this blog is here to help our world and each other.

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